Today, I’m instigating a new photo feature: Ancient Rares. The idea is pretty simple – I’ll post an old timey screenshot from my files of a World of Warcraft Rare. These are the named mobs with a silver dragon around their portrait. They nearly always drop a tasty item upon death and respawn on long, varied timers.
Starting with the game’s launch in late 2004, I had a habit of taking a screenshot whenever I came across one of these baddies. Unfortunately, when my old computer from 1999 went kaput, I lost thousands of screens from late 2004 – early 2005. But I do still have a boatload of old WoW screenshots beginning in 2005. This is game history and I’ll lay out classic pics for you in the times ahead.
We’ll start with Antilus the Soarer. Antilus appears to be of the Hippogryph family and was captured in 2007 in the Ruins of Isildien in Feralas.
Look for more silver dragon Rares beginning next week. I’m thinking I’ll post these twice a week. Monday and Wednesday perhaps. Time is money, friend!