“Beneath the surface of Azeroth the drums of war thunder once again.”
Blizzard have dropped the official cinematic for The War Within expansion. “Shadows Beneath” brings us a look at Earthen, Arathi, and Harronir heroes, and of course, the villainous Xal’atath. We’ve seen some of these images before but this appears to be the whole enchilada.
I think it’s a pretty good piece of work but I made the mistake of reading some of the YouTube comments and they seemed mostly negative. Are committed players with pre-orders in-hand more likely to enjoy this cinematic, while lapsed players and the Wow-Curious find it flat and strange? Or perhaps, it’s simply a case of haters hating and the comments section should be ignored as per usual?
Also, something occurred to me (and let’s call it a prediction). The War Within is steeped in the Earthen story and at max level we can unlock the race as playable. I’m thinking the next expansion, Midnight, will unlock the Harronir or Arathi as playable, and the final ex-pac of the Worldsoul Saga, The Last Titan, will unlock whichever of the three races is left. Could be! We shall see.